mini cooper puppy is growing big. sometimes she is a Monstah Coopah, but mostly adorable.
the poodles do not in any way shape or form think she is adorable.
our neighbor, penny the pitbull mix adores mini cooper, but playtime has to be well supervised. have to make sure penny doesn't get beat up or anything.
venus, our lovebug sheltie/border collie mix, at 16, still wants to try to walk around the block even though she barely makes it....
monday I flyered part of the route where the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is having an 18 mile walk on the 26 of June. It is called "Out of the Darkness" and it is an all nighter.
I walked into a shop for brass fire place stuff and doorknobs and stuff in the North End...I began my spiel about being a volunteer for AFSP and he got a really funny look on his face, like, "what are you trying to sell me?" and I quickly said, "no, no, I am just giving you information, I am not trying to sell anything" and of course I read his face wrong. He got up and looked at me and told me that he lived upstairs with his wife, who is debilitated with MS and that everyday she asks him to help her die. And, that a close loved one committed suicide a year to the day I was standing in his shop. I asked him if he had support. My prayers are with him, and his wife and family.
We (my fellow volunteer) stopped to talk to some homeless people, to let them know what would be happening in week. One guy shared that he tried to kill himself a month ago, and they put him in a psych ward, and two weeks later released him on the street with zoloft. He thanked us for stopping to talk.
life is so achingly piercing sometimes, you know?
Yep it is so piercing.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you for the work you are doing in suicide prevention. If I wasn't preaching on the 27th I'd be up all night with you.
yes. I know all too well. sigh.
ReplyDeleteI love Mini Cooper. And I'm glad you were there to hear the man's story.