Friday, April 19, 2013

A Healing Space Friday Five

Over at RevGals, Deb shares the following Friday Five, for which I am grateful especially this morning as  my family and I are in lock-down because of the search for  Suspect #2 in the Boston Marathon bombings.  It's surreal...and so to focus on healing and comfort will be good. 

I am an enthusiastic newspaper reader. Lately, however, world events have made it hard to read and process the pain in the world around me. Perhaps you have struggled with this, too.

So, with the events of the violence and tragedy from the Boston Marathon fresh in our memories, I thought it would be good for us to focus on where as RevGalBlogPals, we find healing, peace and strengthening. As a chaplain, there are days where I never seem to catch my breath, and invariably, those are the days that I need it the most! So with all this in mind, share with us these healing things

1. A piece of music

2. A place
This would be Hawaii.

3. A favorite food (they call it "comfort food" for a reason)
Just kidding. But I am pretty sure an adult beverage will be comforting at the end of this day.  Right now, my comfort food is a lovely cup of coffee; and breakfast when my beloved gets finished with all of her conference calls (she is on the emergency management team at a Big University that never closes but it closed today).....

4. A recreational pastime (that you watch or participate in)
I love to hike.  This is a picture of the Fells, which is a huge wonderful green space really, really, really close to where we live. 

I also like to garden. In spite of not being hugely successful, I still enjoy harvesting a cucumber. Whoops. That's a zucchini.   There is a reason I might not be successful if I can't identify the vegetables I try to grow. 

5. A poem, Scripture passage or other literature that speaks to comfort you.
Also, Psalm 46. 
BONUS: People, animals, friends, family - share a picture of one or many of these who warm your heart.

I can get carried away here with the animal pictures. So I will stop now. 
Thanks for this Deb, again!


  1. been thinking of you & keeping you in prayer

  2. Karla: thinking of you, holding you and all the people and places in the greater Boston area in prayer. What a nightmare. I lived in and around Boston for 12 years, in and after college. Is the Fells near Wellesley? I lived on Linden Street for three years.

    This is a beautiful oasis of peace in the midst of your chaos. Truly, you and your partner are in my prayers and heart.

  3. That invocation is gorgeous. Buying the whole CD now.
    Praying for you and all in your community.

  4. The videos were wonderful -- so comforting. Praying God's healing Streams surround you and yours.

  5. LOOOOOVE your song choice.

    sending you hugs and light in the darkness.

  6. I also have thought of you these last few days. Thank you for this loveliness. The invocation is, as Marci says, gorgeous.
