Thursday, August 5, 2010


I'm working on "noticing" more, just for the noticing of it.
I've spent the past few days in a lot of traffic, going to and from work and to meetings and beyond....
Since the radio doesn't work in the car I typically drive, there is only time for my thoughts to wander to the outside world, outside my car door.
This is what I have noticed, in no particular order:

1. It feels better to just give in to Boston Drivers.  Instead of letting their bad habits fuel my competitiveness, I have just decided to slow down (o.k., I am already going slow. Many people complain of my granny driving skills) and let who ever wants to cut in front me, do so.  It feels good to wave people by.  Many are surprised.
Especially the car behind me who honks impatiently ;-)

2.  In Medford Square, I noticed two bikers cross each others path and share a smile of understanding and comradeship. I couldn't see the thought bubble above their heads, but I imagined it saying something like, "Yeah, look at us, the cool dudes, saving gas, getting exercise, and getting to work faster than the rest of these traffic losers"  Well, they looked too nice to say losers, but you never can tell.

3.  In Porter Square, I watched a pregnant woman cross the street with two children clinging to her hands.  Each child, about five or so--they could have been twins, or friends, her kids or not,-- but each had a balloon tied to their wrist.  The woman looked so happy, with a look that said, "all is right with the world."  The children were adorable, proudly walking with their beautiful balloons, flapping in the wind.
Don't you remember the glory of a helium balloon when you were a kid?

4. I noticed a lot of faces in cars.  Some looked so worn down; others were animated while talking on their cells.  Some faces were creased with hard work or years, others sported shiny lipgloss and eyeshadow.  All those people going places, going somewhere, with lives as full and generous and painful and important and loving and empty and vulnerable as the next person's.
So much life.
So fragile and precious.
It's no wonder it is God's good pleasure to give to us the kin-dom.
Look at how much we all need it, in spite of ourselves.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Karla,
    We can always say a prayer when stopped at the traffic lights or in a traffic jam/crawl/stop and start. Actually, walking is much better, strolling and taking in small marvellous details. We had to slow down this week as Peceli developed a bronchial/asthma condition and I am not a natural at being a nurse.
