Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Five, abbreviated....

Over at revgals  Terri posted a beautiful Mary Oliver poem, which pretty much will leave you breathless--well at least, it did me.  Mary Oliver poetry= thick, gorgeous, rich, delicious, juicy, drippy, and yet perfect.

after the poem, she invited us to share five gratitudes.  So even though it is late in the Fry-day...I feel the need the spiritual practice of gratitude.  So here it goes:

1) I am grateful for the cloud of friends who offer love and beauty and support and depth to my life.  Whether I know you from my 20's or 30's, whether you were my mentor or teacher or student or member of congregations past and present, virtual friend, revgal, soul sister, soul brother, or everything beyond and in between I stop speechless at the variety and incredible wealth I have experienced from all of you.  Seriously--blessing upon blessing upon blessing.

2)  I am grateful for the cicadas and night sounds right now.  For the quiet of the house, for the lull of traffic, for the purrs of cats and snoring of dogs.....and the sound of my beloved busy downstairs with everything and nothing....

3) I am grateful for being relaxed in this moment--in spite of recent disappointments and impending confusions that need to be resolved, and how unsettled things are professionally in many ways.  Yes...for now, I can simply place all of that on the shelf.

4)  I am grateful for....well, one revgal is grateful for tins and plastic cr*p that make housekeeping easier, I guess I will say I am grateful for shoes.   I love shoes.  It's a weird thing, but they just make me so happy.  I am no shoe hoarder, and only wear practical ones, but still, they make me happy.  So silly, I know.

5) Am grateful for....having been raised in faith, for experiencing God in so many ways, and for now, knowing I will always rest in the arms of God.   In spite of my doubt and questions and seeking,  I always know to Whom I belong,  and that I am beloved by the Beloved.  

and lastly, so very grateful for the gentle invitation of this Friday Five.  Thank you Terri.


  1. Gosh, thanks! But really Karla, thank you for you! And, thanks for playing...

  2. Gorgeous, Karla. I'm grateful for you!
