Friday, October 30, 2009


last night,
I got to go to a make your own pizza party at my dear friend's home with her hunky husband and gorgeous daughters.

The girls were hilarious because they were like little tiny Tiggers jumping up and down and down and up. Halloween is coming soon.

This is a home that is permeated with sheer joy. One of the girls sang while she decorated her pizza, The other  is amazingly creative, and is going to write a book about making halloween costumes and when you ask her how school is going, she says, "it's GREAT."  She is wise, and yet all of third grade. I am pretty sure the singing pizza decorator is a sage or buddha all wrapped up in her first grade self. You can see it in her eyes.

Praise and celebration abides in this home. Praise over play doh stars and pumpkins, celebration in the mixture of a chocolate candy gummy bear dessert "salad" and cheers at the end of washing hands, and at the end of saying grace.

Don't get me wrong, they aren't a Leave it to Beaver kind of family. They have their own sets of challenges and human-ness. But they are real, and in the moment...and really, isn't that the point?

A while ago, I made a ceramic platter that says, "Grace and Plenty." If I had to give a title to my friend and her family, it would be..."Grace and Plenty."

I was full of all that grace when I got into my car to drive home last night. It was "GREAT!!"

p.s. my make my own pizza was delish. I might have to do it all over tonight at home!


  1. I love this! What a happy time!!

  2. Such a gift. Glad you were in their home for laughter and grace and plenty.

  3. awesome! sounds perfectly delightful!

  4. you are such a love! for heaven's sake, how many people would go along with the gag and call it a 'party' when we force our poor guest prepare her own food .. lol!

    we were so blessed to have you in our home - to share our messy, sticky, chaotic brand of joy. you fit right in!

    but i'm telling you, lady - next time, you're stickin it out for Godspell .. someone has to answer the 'what is Jesus's middle name?' questions!!
