Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Program Year Has begun

So...last weekend was our big Regathering weekend...choir rehearsal, Ice Cream Social, teacher orientation, first day of Sunday school, oh and worship. Everything seemed to go well and I was really excited for the great turnout for ss and worship. It was great having everyone back...and it was the first day that my colleague was back from his summer sabbatical.

I know he is glad to be back, too... I will miss preaching every week, though. I won't be scheduled again till late October.

I'm taking the morning easy...acquainting myself with my new iPad, (birthday gift), cooking, walking dogs, etc. I will go to the office around 1:00 since we have council tonight. Once I go to the office I like to stay over there (it's a 30 minute traffic filled commute. I can get email and stuff done at home in the morning.

Today I am thinking about the future of this ministry profession...and if the church can transition into being Christian in a post-Christian era. I've been reading lots of Tony Robinson lately.

What are you thinking about?

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