Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Can't believe I haven't checked in since September...
Lot's of unbloggable but good stuff going on...
plus, dang, it has been busy around here, more than normal.

I really hate it when people say they are soooooo busy, so I guess I should delete that.   Mostly, I don't like it when you  ask someone how they are doing, and they say, "busy".  Aren't we all busy?

Maybe I am just cranky because I have had this horrible headache all day that advil hasn't touched.

Back to checking in.  I am having a great fall---made even better by vacation last week!!! Three days of unstructured time to get stuff around the house done plus read and make pottery.  Then Thursday-Sunday we took a little trip to Rehoboth Beach Delaware which was so great.  Ahhhh, the skies were blue, the ocean gorgeous, the Dogfish Brewpub delicious!!!  Oh, and there was a Greyhound Rescue convention, and there were tons and tons and tons of Greyhounds walking their people oh so elegantly and quietly.  Heaven--so many doggies! If we didn't currently have five canines.........

I read a couple of books---one by Jon Katz, who writes books about his dogs, and sheepherding.  "Dogs of Bedlam Farm."   I enjoyed it, because, oh, I love dogs.  He's a decent storyteller, but when he is being profound, he isn't so...profound.  But still, good.   I also read The Bible Salesman by Clyde Edgerton (spelling?).  It was over before it really got started.  A little dissappointing, imho, however, entertaining in its own way.   I did NO PROFESSIONAL READING WHATSOEVER.

So, today, my first day back....lots of emails, little fires, whatnot.  Council meeting tonight, where I will talk about why I hung a rainbow flag from the portals of our church.   I guess we have a policy about no flags, but no one was around this summer to ask, so I just did it...and...well, you know.   I thought it would be a great "marketing" tool--Straight people look for GLBT friendly churches, too...and a flag is a pretty obvious invite to extravagant welcome.   Should be interesting!!

Well, that's it for now. Just a quick note so my blog doesn't disappear!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that conversation about the flag goes well....I agree with your point exactly!
